! phantxmz!*


and lately, i can't take it. my body's intact in an ordinary fashion and everything i tried to leave behind is beside us. poor kid.

morticia 19 : based almost exclusively on personal headcanons, widely accepted phandom knowledge, & personal interpretations of canon. ignores phantom planet (ew) and almost everything butch hartman says. a tribute to all the danny fanart + fanfics i obsessed over as a kid and now <3 don't force ships onto me & we'll be good.

acc tw: abusive parents. neglect. depression. body horror. mutilation. self harm. implied psychotic breaks. suicidal thoughts. religious themes. death literal death - all the deaths.

in the case of ghosts: the show is not subtle in it's message that ghosts are inherently malicious or even evil. although they may not start out this way the longer an identity resides as a ghost the more time there is for the absence of humanity to bring out the worst side of it's host or amplify what's already there. the more horrific and monstrous the ghost looks the more far gone it is from the imprint they started out of.using s1 e6 as an example, tucker is turned half ghost as a wish and progressively becomes more aggressive, more jealous, and more vindictive towards danny and those around him. he begins acting out of character and having a shift in mindset i.e : cheating. as his corruption grew his ghostly form became less humanlike. in the case of vlad his ghost form only amplifies character flaws he already had. this furthers the idea that all ghosts have some sort of unfinished business or a traumatic death they dwell on as the source of their feverish anger and preventing them from passing on.danny is the ONLY ghost and halfa that still appears humanlike however he is not exempt from the inevitable corruption. in several episodes danny has been shown admitting to inciting violence with ghosts to have an outlet for his "misplaced aggression" (i.e: s1 ep3, s1 ep9, etc..) the longer he goes through traumatic and inappropriate experiences the more negative emotions he has that his ghost half can take on. the reason why danny remained human even in ghost form for so long was because his will and humanity was stronger than the depraved soulless void that is his ghost half. even as phantom for the most part danny himself remained the dominant half though as he loses his grip of his humanity the more inhuman features appear ( his skin going from sickly pale to lightish blue, the appearance of fangs, claws , etc..) and the more likely his ghost half will be able to over power him like dark danny does to his human husk.using the ultimate enemy as our guide essentially danny as we know him is a ghost possessing his own body. it's his grasp on humanity keeping him grounded however if he ever becomes disillusioned like dark danny and decides to separate from his body for good there will be nothing but years of anger, misery, and aggression with no empathy or conscience holding him back. it's not a matter of when will phantom overtake danny more so WHEN will danny go ghost for the last time?mental : danny has struggled with ADHD his entire life which can help explain such poor grades in school and how easy it is for him to hyper focus on a game when he has an important exam looming over him (same) but after his accident his life was thrown into turmoil for such a young kid. to no suprise he has PTSD from all the horrible situations he's be placed in but also Depersonalisation -derealisation disorder the trigger being one ghost encounter too many, the ptsd, even his ongoing struggle with depression, or perhaps the anxiety of living with people who are hunting you. due to hiding the truth of what's been going as a young teen he didn't have an outlet to get help or even talk about his feelings. after years of the brain fog and phantom claiming him more and more getting out of amity and renouncing ghosts helped our hero find a break in the clouds. whenever he's phantom it's easy for danny to somewhat let go and feel like a detached third participant.


family : mom: madeline (soo-jin) fenton.
dad: jack fenton
sister: jasmine (ji-ho) fenton
Danny is a korean american , his mother Madeline (born lee soo-jin) being an immigrant that came to america on a student visa. despite her natural intelligence and impressive skill set she was quick to marry danny's father jack fenton. a somewhat obedient nonthreatening conceited man that not only encouraged but shared her passion (ghosts). Jack represented the exact opposite of her controlling father back in korea so it's no surprise she was quickly enamored with him. despite their sometimes apparent marital issues soo-jin would never divorce jack on the account of their business and the fact that she runs the show. her life in america is completely built in the shadow of jack fenton and the physical distance between her and the rest of her family.soo-jin raised danny to be proud of his heritage. despite her adopting an "american name" she still taught danny and jazz korean (danny's accent is every americanized) and did her best to immerse them in their culture. however, the korean population is pretty low in Illinois let alone amity park and danny does grapple with his identity as a korean american and feeling as though he doesn't belong in either place. soo-jin has returned to korea on several occasions with her children. when jazz was a baby jack and soo-jin got into a fight so bad that she left to live with her family for a few weeks. at one point jazz and danny were sent to live with their grandparents in Korea while their parents got their business off the ground ... kinda. they visit during holidays on occasion but danny's grandparents aren't fond of how jack treats soo-jin & call him a fool.at home soo-jin calls danny and jazz by their korean names (donggyu & jiho). jack does not, even if he thinks the name "danny" is stupid.this is my longest and most precious hc. since i'm not korean myself pls lmk for modifications and feedback on the portrayalbody: danny is ectothermic since the accident as he is as cold to the touch like corpse. he no longer produces body heat and is comfortable in cold settings but he still craves and seeks out warmth he cannot produce. as a result of dying and returning as a half ghost danny's heartbeat is faint and noticeably so which may be a result of his blood being replaced with ectoplasm.danny has met death, it came to collect him the second he died in his parent's machine. as we know though, danny returned which was not expected and as a result he is crossed from all of death's lists in any religion in any context. i could go into detail but i'd end up writing an essay but yes hel, hades, anubis, The Shinigami etc... they all know of the boy that cheated them.now that we've established ghost lore, and the fact and danny and phantom are together separate and are able to be removed from one another. as danny grows there will become a point in his development where he stops aging. once he's fully developed he will not grow older and will begin to experience the implications of being an immortal. such as, watching his loved ones show signs of late stage aging while he is still the youthful age of when his brain fully developed.danny can only hope that one day his spirit will be released with his corpse rather than his corpse finally being let go and his probably evil spirit continues to roam unbound. as we all know, that would have devastating consequences.so immortality? yes but also no.

mainverse : 18+ after the events of The Ultimate Enemy something changed significantly for danny. before, he felt the responsibility to use his powers for good despite it proving detrimental to himself but now he was spurred on by the knowledge that he had the capacity to become something as heinous and depraved as dark danny. throughout his time since gaining his powers he was constantly at odds with the distinction between him and the phantom , the line between growing each time he bottled up all the anger, sadness, and desperation danny couldn't process and gave it to phantom. fighting ghosts became a testament to the fact that he was fighting the ghost inhabiting himself, beating the darkness into submission. after danny realized jazz knew his secret their reletionship was finally open. that also meant jazz could see the changes in danny. Forever Phantom marked the change in his attitude and approach to heroism. it wasn't fun anymore but that didn't mean that his duty would be any less of a duty. he was harassed by the media and fans as phantom, bullied at school as danny, hunted in his own home and throughout this the list of ghosts that hated him kept racking up let alone Vlad.at some point internally it became less about being the hero and more about the having an outlet for violence. afterall, he had to contribute to his world right? his grades plummeted even further, he smiled less, spent less time doing things he enjoyed. phantom was consuming danny and jazz was fearful to watch. after D-Stabilized she convinced her brother to take a break and focus on his future, one he hadn't thought about in a long time. so phantom disappeared from the public eyes but that didn't mean being a halfa wasn't still apart of him. danny returned back to whatever normalcy he could grab hold of. at home he walked on egg shells around his parents as their pursuit of ghosts, mainly phantom, continued. now that he wasn't getting to the ghosts before them they were actually having success catching them and made a name for themselves - one taken seriously. he knew then more than ever that their love for him would never overpower their craving experimentation. it was hard to watch them mutilate ghosts danny would at the very least have returned to the ghost realm.now that he was all adventured out he was forced to grapple with the depression , trauma , and violent tendencies he had acquired over the years. as well as welcoming his identify as a ghost back into the fold of daniel fenton. suddenly it was hard opening up to his friends now that there wasn't a more confident secret identity there to break the tension. he isolated himself spending most of his time playing video games and streaming - trying to connect with what would be the final years of his childhood. he was able to pull up his grades high enough to graduate and keep in contact with his childhood bffs. the siblings made their escape from home after danny left hs and jazz transferred to her dream college.by then danny was making money on his gaming account fen10 and jazz worked as a registered behavior technician while in undergrad. they moved out of Almity and split rent in an apartment. danny no longer communicates directly with his parents but he did manage to snag plenty of ghost gear before they left. the urge to fight ghosts seeping back in once he wasn't the one being hunted.now danny travels to other universes by way of the ghost zone trying and failing to find a reality where he exists or at the very least isn't consumed by the identity of phantom. vlogging his travels.

based loosely : butch's idea of what danny would be like in his college years. aloof and distant from the human world.


marvel : 18+ danny has known about dr strange before the kid had ever entered his universe. the ghosts had spoken about him , a master of the mystic arts they said. a keeper of the multiverse, one that was very tuned into what was coming and going from his reality. this made it near impossible for a visit. well danny really liked the idea of a multiverse, especially because he wasn't vibing with his current reality anymore.so when this supposed sorcerer supreme was preoccupied with some red witch and a bushel of spirits flooding from the ghost zone because he became a halfa ?? (M.O.M. zombie strange) danny took the chance to slip in during the chaos.long story short he really liked this universe, there were lots of heroes so the pressure wasn't on him all the time. no need for secret identifies and parents ready to tear him apart. there where gods and super soldiers and spidermen and -- ugh more scientists. danny decides to stay and see how he fares & if the change of pace will help him regain dominance over his ghost half.public ghost enemy number 1 mets public spider enemy number 1.dc : 16+ danny was born to two scientists , devoting their life to harnessing the truth of life and death. When danny died inside his parent's machine that day he didn't arise as a ghost right away. instead , his parents found his limp body with no pulse and only one thing could be assumed. funeral preparations were made. the fenton casket was crafted and the boy was buried the same week.a week later he returned from the clutches of the grim reaper. narrowly escaping his grasp and death entirely. danny was something else. something between. not truly alive but not truly dead either. the boy clawed his way out of his casket and freshly dug grave. his ghost abilities hadn't come in yet let alone him harnessing them. so he clawed an bled as daniel but emerged as a phantom. for some reason danny retuned home, shaken up by being dead for a week and the fact that he was buried somewhat alive. he was not afforded a warm welcome. his father instantly assumed his deceased son was now the hallow husk for a ghost. besides, if the ghost was danny he wasn't their son anymore. he was the enemy. his sister stood on the sidelines, one of the rare instances where she questioned herself. she knew her brother was dead so maybe what her parents said was right. they knew best. it was then danny's home stopped being home.he was experimented on, tested, prodded, probed. you name it his parents did it. they pushed him to the very brink of scientific discovery, stealing samples of his dna to improve their equipment. the only reason he was allowed to escape was because his sister couldn't take it anymore. watching what used to be her brother writhe in pain and BEG to be absolved from whatever hell this was.he escaped to Gotham. no one in their right mind with a good credit score went there. he fell into the crime lifestyle, it started as him sleeping in abandoned warehouses, stealing food, and getting wrapped up in crime syndicates by accidentally eavesdropping. he could go places other people couldn't and listen in on information other people couldn't. he became the phantom. danny made himself important and indispensable to anyone that needed dirt on anyone. practically blackmailing is way into a bigger story than anticipated. how long could he play both sides?celeb mainverse :18+ danny ignores jazz when she tells him to retire for a while. he can't stop now! he's finally popular - one way or another. phantom is the one that gets all the attention and pretty girls so maybe it's time for danny to go into retirement and for him to see if he can do this hero thing on a bigger scale. following the idea that jazz would become his handler & PR.



you don't know what you want But you know that you need it And you know that you need it bad. With wild horses running through your hollow bones crack baby- mitski.

NAMEdaniel (donggyu) fenton
SPECIEShalfa (half ghost half "human")
AGE18+ mainverse
LANGUAGESkorean, english, spectral noise
DOBmarch 10th
POBamity park, Illinois
OCCUPATIONhero, vlogger, streamer
HAIRblack (white when ghost) as danny falls deeper into phantom his human hair begins to turn white
EYESbrown (green when ghost)
COMPLEXIONvery very pale when ghost
OUTFITstreet wear
MARKSvarious brusies from taking hits esp on his chest. lighting-like scars from his hand that wrap around his back + the back of his neck & emit a faint greenish glow from the portal accident
EXTRAStwo piercings on his lobe & a double helix on his left ear. freckles (but only in human form) fangs + claws in ghost form (gained them the more comfortable he got into his ghost form)

.ABILITIES. danny's powers are super broken so i'm summarizing to what he uses most often.1. Intangibility: can turn his body intangible to pass through walls or other solid matter.2. invisibility: can make his body invisible to both humans and ghosts.can make other people and objects invisible to him provided that he is in physical contact.3. flight: can fly through air and space at considerable speeds and heights, and walk on vertical surfaces4. ghost ray: danny can release ectoenergy at will from anywhere on his body in any format he chooses. strong enough to destroy physical objects5. ghost sense: spidey sense but for ghosts.6. regeneration via reconstitution: has completely reconstructed his body after Freakshow reduced him to a puddle of goo7. possession: can possess people, ghosts, objects, and animals even in dreams.8. ghost transformation: can transform between human and ghost at will with rays and access all powers. he can access some powers as human as well.9. ghostly wail: insanely broken super sonic screech10. combat skills:
taekwondo - mother ( ninth-degree black belt )
jiu-jitsu - enrolled
krav maga - enrolled
hapkido - mother
boxing - by his father
marksman - mother
fanartists: stove-is-on-fire, emiett, andettan art, musicaltincan, ectober.
fanfics: it's been a while but danny fanfics rewired by brain as a child and i'm positive my hcs are a massive culmination of all the visual and literary media i've consumed on the matter over the years so thank you fandom creators. <3splat art: stove-is-on-fire.ability info: danny phantom wiki + yt videos talking in depth of how broken danny is.musings: ectokelpeigh